
Hey! I’m Amy, and I accidentally started a bread business!

I had to kiss gluten, sugar, dairy, commercial yeast, soy, red meat, vinegar, oils and food freedom goodbye. So as you can imagine, my food frustration was growing until God opened my eyes to sourdough, or more commonly known at our house as miracle bread! After lots of research and several loaves, I found that I could enjoy this without any complications! I started baking it for some other gut troubled friends and they could tolerate it as well! I wondered if there were more people like me, so I offered a couple loaves on Facebook and before I knew it, here we are.

Now I do understand some of you lucky dogs can eat whatever you want without complications, so some of the bakery items will include those little treasures. But I want to eat too, so I will work hard to create recipes without the use of commercial yeast, sugar and dairy. 

I am called to be salt, so salty I shall be and I will spread it wherever I go. When my loaves, bagels, cookies, and all the goodies come in your home, they are already prayed over... you've been salted! Do you know what salt does? It preserves foods, makes you thirsty, and it can change the blandest of foods from ordinary to extraordinary. That’s my plan, to help others last day after day knowing they have can hope for a better future. I want to leave you thirsting for more of the goodness of God and help you realize that your everyday life can have meaning and purpose. 

So yes, this is Salt Artisan Bakery, but it’s so much more than bread.